Bariatric Surgery

We’re experts in clinically-proven products within aesthetic medicine and bariatric surgery.


Lap-Band® is the only bariatric surgical procedure with 25 years of scientific evidence, with over 850.000 implantations worldwide, Lap-Band® is safe, effective, and reversible. The LAP-BAND® is proven to provide an average of 46% excess weight lost at 1 year. It's an effective way to lose weight gradually and keep it off long-term.

Dimagra Bariatric

Helping to prepare your clients for bariatric surgery. Unlike low-calories diets, Dimagra® promotes a rapid and significant reduction of the circumference, especially around waist and hips and in the buttocks and thigh areas.

Virtual Health Partners

At Medical-Up, we are delighted to offer the innovative VHPGO platform to U.K and Ireland practitioners. This B2B2C platform offers nutritional and lifestyle support through a menu of live services and on-demand content.